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Jag-View Gabriella | "Gabi"
Ch. Jag-View It's How You Play

| Pedigrees | Past Collies |

Ch. Jag-View Deep River Karizma
Ch. Jag-View Deep River Overcast
Ch. ptd., Jag-View Light from Heaven -- "Kyra"
Ch. Jag-View Painted Sandstone
Ch. Jag-View Reflection of Heaven
Ch. ptd., Jag-View Revelation
Jag-View Shades of Overcast
Ch. ptd. Jag-View You're So Vain

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Jag-View Collies | Shannon Pollard | Brookneal, VA | collies@jag-view.com


© 2013 Jag-View Collies - "All materials & images contained on this website are the sole property of Jag-View Collies and may not be copied or reproduced without written permission.  Information deemed accurate, but not guaranteed."